Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The latest

The passing of Natasha Richardson is just jacked up. That kind of stuff freaks me out. My heart goes out to Liam Neeson and Natasha's surviving family.

I got my degree on Monday, seems almost too small considering the years involved, but hey, it is what it is and I'll take it.

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day y'all, I wore my green!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The latest 3/16/09

What's up you ask? a fair amount...moo hoo hoo ha ha ha!

a) Cash turned 1 and he's awesome. He had a wonderful birthday with the family and auntie's, one of them being me. Have a look:

b) Brian and I are re-doing / designing the backyard, it's going to have most of the grass removed due to our California drought, and will have many flagstones, a separated deck type area, and we put in, with the help of mexican brethren at Home Depot, a 1000 lb fountain that sits 6 feet tall. I could go on and on about how heavy it was, but here's an idea. Fountain was in SF, had to pull it from a traditional backyard, through the garage, took 5 people including me to get it onto the truck.
Back in Pittsburg, it took three guys we hired to get it off the truck and set it up. What the?!

c) In hopes to make work easier, we were trying take an "Image" of a laptop since I have to build 23 of them, but it failed and so by hand it it! Great. So much for efficiency.

d) I weigh too much, and the doctor is worried about my thyroid, but not worried enough to do anything about it, so my question is...why the fuck am I needing to see you again, and again?! Fucking Nurse practitioner. I'm fat, no fucking der, if it's my thyroid then get me on something but if it's not for sure my thyroid then just stop bothering me, perhaps I have...oh I don't know...fat genes?!

e) There's a hole in the bucket dear liza, dear liza.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pictures / Videos from the LVMS 2009 race

Here are the pictures from the races (video's too, but the quality is poor):


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Racing / Family recap

Yo Yo Yo, so I'm back at work after a very fun weekend. It was the weekend that kept on giving. Not just racing, but family visits as well.

Let's start with the races, the Busch / Nationwide series (minors) were crashing all over the place and made for an exciting and long race. I camped with Greg and his son Austin, who made it to the races for the first time...big man now at 13!

The trailers were the usual, but the Tums Racing Simulators and the Sprint area was great, I kept listening to the Tums guy try to lure people in by saying "hey, it's calcium your body needs anyway" in the most hillbilly, over gameshow voice ever.

The big race Sunday was great, except the winner was Kyle Busch, who I am not a fan of. I think the highlights of the race weekend were hearing how my uncle and his friend Max were doing side deals just to score a new Tony Stewart jacket, since he has a new team, but his trailers weren't selling it. Very sneaky, hilarious. And Saturday night, hanging with Michelle A. and Greg and getting so drunk that instead of drinking my beer, I poured it on my sweatshirt...that's when we knew it was time to quit.

Monday I got to hang with Willie, Janie and their girls, which is always great. Only this time, we found an awesome "carny hand" prop to deceive pictures with. It was the funniest damn thing I'd seen in a long time, and what made it great was Janie's smart thinking to capture it with pictures, it was an optical illusion where it looked like I had an "inbred jed" hand, even the neighbors kid thought it was my real hand and said "I was trying not to stare." LOL, I know it's totally immature, but when have you really known me to be mature...really.

So I had a great time. I hope the family did too. This is just a brief summary, but I'll be sure to post the pictures and a link to them from my weblog here.

Thanks to all the family and friends who were in Vegas / Henderson, you guys always make me feel at home! Love ya.